SU492: StorageGRID 11.2 and prior versions with custom server SSL 1024-bit certificates for S3 endpoints must convert the certificates when upgrading to 11.4
- Views:
- 134
- Last Updated:
- 4/5/2022, 8:54:34 PM
StorageGRID 11.2 and prior versions, using custom server SSL 1024-bit certificates or lower for S3 endpoints must convert to a higher key length prior to upgrading to StorageGRID 11.4. This is to avoid service unavailability due to a shorter key length below 2048 bits.
Pre-upgrade to 11.4:
Check existing certificates installed into StorageGRID cluster and correct if needed:
- Confirm Certificates are using a 2048 certificate string:
- For Management Interface Server Certificate:
- Login to Storage Node or a Linux Client
- Run:
openssl s_client <AdminNode_IP>:443
- For Object Storage API Service Endpoints Server Certificate:
- Login to Storage Node or a Linux Client
- Run:
openssl s_client <StorageNode_IP>:18082
- Load Balancer endpoint certificate:
- In the StorageGRID Management Interface, navigate to Configuration > Load Balancer Endpoints.
- Identify HTTPS endpoints and note the TCP Port for each endpoint
- Run:
openssl s_client <AdminNode_IP>:<TCP Port>
- Repeat above step for each endpoint
- For Management Interface Server Certificate:
- If all the above certificates Certificate (if in-use) are showing 2048 string, then no action is necessary.
Server public key is 2048 bit
- If any of the above certificates (if in-use) show(s) less than 2048 bit key, then please follow Certificate Installation for installing a supported certificate
Post upgrade to 11.4:
Issue #1: Loss of access to StorageGRID management interface
Temporarily replace the custom certificate with a StorageGRID self-signed certificate to restore client access:
- Generate a self-signed certificate
- SSH to the primary admin node using admin user
- Switch to root user by running:
su -
- Generate a self-signed certificate by running:
make-certificate --type management --domains *
- Replace * with appropriate Common Name for your environment
- Start services on primary admin node by running:
service servermanager restart
- Validate services are all in Running state by running:
- Attempt to access the StorageGRID management interface
- After access is restored and before approving other nodes, validate the Object Storage API Service Endpoints Server Certificate AND Load Balancer endpoint certificate. See pre-upgrade to 11.4 steps.
Issue #2: S3 or SWIFT (read/write) failures to StorageGRID after upgrade to 11.4
All storage services may appear in a running state, but new client requests are failing. Below error message may be observed in /var/local/log/bycast.log on the storage node(s).
Feb 12 18:24:59 ksabobssga01 ADE: |12087627 0000000000 ---- ---- 2022-02-12T18:24:59.836323| NOTICE 1401 HFCS: Connection 1644690299835915/ (---------): Closing: handshake: ca key too small (20,316,397)
Temporarily replace the custom certificate with a StorageGRID self-signed certificate to restore client access:
- Generate a self-signed certificate
- SSH to the primary admin node using admin user
- Switch to root user by running:
su -
- Generate a self-signed certificate by running:
make-certificate --type storage --domains *
- Replace * with appropriate Common Name for your environment.
To install new custom certificates, please visit the StorageGRID Configuring Server Certificates page.
Issue #3: Storage node service(s) are not starting and LDR in error state
Please engage NetApp Technical Support for further assistance.
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