SU558: NetApp® has released SnapCenter for VMware 5.0P3 that addresses issues in prior versions 5.0, 5.0P1 and 5.0P2
- Views:
- 140
- Last Updated:
- 2024/5/21 17:13:31
- Several usability issues have been identified which may impact the user experience of SnapCenter for VMware (SCV) versions 5.0, 5.0P1 and 5.0P2.
- NetApp has worked to identify and resolve these issues and has recently delivered fixes which address them.
- This bulletin contains details of the issues fixed in SCV 5.0P3. NetApp strongly recommends that customers running SCV versions 5.0, 5.0P1 and 5.0P2 upgrade to SCV 5.0P3 or later.
Issue Description
The following issues, seen on SCV 5.0, 5.0P1 and 5.0P2, are fixed in SCV 5.0P3:
- VMDP-4439 - SCV 5.0 does not show (all) secondary snapshots in the restore views.
- VMDP-4446 - SnapVault count is not showing correct value in Dashboard.
- VMDP-4401 - Dashboard Storage savings does not show correct values.
- VMDP-4340 - SCV management GUI login fails after updating the vCenter credentials.
- VMDP-4380 - SCV display message - connection to vCenter is disconnected after password change.
- VMDP-4381 - Optimized SnapMirror query when large number of SVM peer existing in customer environment.
- VMDP-4383 - Custom ZAPI RBAC user needs to be notified to add the REST https and granular privileges after migration to SCV 5.0
- VMDP-4396 - Unmount is failing in ONTAP 9.11.1
- VMDP-4345 - Minimum ONTAP privileges required.
- VMDP-4325 - SCV backup fails with "Volume with UUID not found".
- VMDP-4324 - SCV backup fails with "Server temporarily unavailable" error.
- VMDP-4326 - SnapMirror/SnapVault update fails when UseDestinationInfo config key is set to true as follows, "Unable to find SnapMirror destination(s). Error: No SnapMirror relationships were found. Resolution: Please make sure that secondary storage systems are registered, and host can resolve them correctly."
The issues described in this bulletin are addressed in SnapCenter for VMware 5.0P3. NetApp strongly recommends that customers running prior versions of SCV, upgrade to SCV 5.0P3 or later.
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