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更多最新信息请参考 NetApp 官网支持公告
- SU490: [Impact: Critical] SSD Best Practices: Avoid risk of drive failure and data loss if powered off for more than two months
- SU558: NetApp has released SnapCenter for VMware 5.0P3 that addresses issues in prior versions 5.0, 5.0P1 and 5.0P2
- SU448: [Impact: Critical] SSD (PHM2*) firmware to prevent data loss / unavailability
- SU557: [Impact: High] HDD (HAKPE0) firmware for drives with over 7 years of operating life
- SU511: [Impact: Critical] HDD firmware (NE01) for WUH721818AL5204 causing potential data loss or disruption/unavailability
- SU512: ONTAP support requirements for VER2 hardware
- SU554: [Impact_ Critical] HUH721212AL5204 firmware to prevent data disruption or unavailability
- SU420: [Impact: Critical] New FAS/AFF Drive firmware Support Bulletin Index
- SU421: [Impact: Critical] New ESERIES Drive firmware Support Bulletin Index
- SU2: Minimum Recommended ONTAP releases on the NetApp Support Site
- SU555: BMC firmware 15.11 increases stability
- SU543: [Impact High] Shelf firmware repeatedly upgrades, system displays wrong disk names, or SAS shelf environmental status updates delayed after upgrade to ONTAP 9.12.1P4 or 9.13.1
- SU540: Chelsio T6 NIC errors cause system shutdown when upgrading from 40G to 100G network switches
- SU556: Upgrade immediately to the latest build (9.13P1-9828-upgrade.iso/9.13P1-9828.ova) of ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 9.13P1 from NetApp Support Site
- SU367: [Impact: High] Excess Data Writing to mSATA on E-Series Systems and StorageGRID Appliances
- SU2: Minimum Recommended ONTAP releases on the NetApp Support Site
- SU367: [Impact: High] Excess Data Writing to mSATA on E-Series Systems and StorageGRID Appliances
- SU399: [Impact: Critical] Controller disruption and data loss might occur on volumes with systems running ONTAP 9.5 or later
- SU420: [Impact: Critical] New FAS/AFF Drive firmware Support Bulletin Index
- SU421: [Impact: Critical] New ESERIES Drive firmware Support Bulletin Index
- SU448: [Impact: Critical] SSD (PHM2*) firmware to prevent data loss / unavailability
- SU449: [Impact: Critical] SSD (PX02S*) firmware to prevent data loss / unavailability
- SU464: System has drives with over 6 years of operating life - possible impact to system resilience
- SU486: [Impact: Critical] SSD (TPM4*) firmware to prevent data loss / unavailability
- SU488: [Impact: Critical] SSD (PX05*) firmware to prevent data loss / unavailability
- SU490: [Impact: Critical] SSD Best Practices: Avoid risk of drive failure and data loss if powered off for more than two months
- SU492: StorageGRID 11.2 and prior versions with custom server SSL 1024-bit certificates for S3 endpoints must convert the certificates when upgrading to 11.4
- SU493: StorageGRID through releases with 15 or more nodes may experience higher false positive Object Lost alarms
- SU496: [Impact: High] SSD firmware (X40??S172B) to prevent data unavailability
- SU497: SSD firmware (MZWLL??-0G?) to prevent data unavailability
- SU498: [Impact: Critical] HDD (ST4000NM003A, ST8000NM001A) firmware to prevent data unavailability
- SU501: [Impact: High] Impact of Microsoft CVE-2021-42287 fixes on ONTAP 9
- SU502: [Impact: Critical] HDD (ST16000NM002G, ST12000NM002G) firmware to contain EMI radiated emissions
- SU503: [Impact: Critical] HDD (SEVNE1xxTA07) firmware to contain EMI radiated emissions
- SU506: SSD (X4020S173A15TNQF) firmware mitigates performance issue
- SU507: [Impact: Critical] Controller disruption and potential data inconsistency with FabricPool tiering within the same FAS HA Pair
- SU509: HDD (HAKPE0) firmware mitigates high failure rate
- SU511: [Impact: Critical] HDD firmware (NE01) for WUH721818AL5204 causing potential data loss or disruption/unavailability
- SU512: ONTAP support requirements for VER2 hardware
- SU513: [Impact: High] ONTAP Tools for VMware vSphere (OTV) 9.8 can cause high CPU usage
- SU518: [Impact:High] FAS9500/AFF-A900 upgrade kit guidance
- SU519: [Impact Critical] Repeated ktlsd failures impacting object store, FabricPool, and CBS after upgrade to ONTAP 9.11.1
- SU520: [Impact: Critical] StorageGRID 11.6 UI unsupported expansion will lead to data loss
- SU521: [Impact High] Stability improvements for MetroCluster over IP on FAS2750, AFF-A220 and AFF-A250 platforms
- SU522: [Impact: Critical] StorageGRID 11.3 through 11.6 releases using S3 multipart objects may incorrectly purge multipart parts leading to data loss
- SU528: [Impact: High] E-Series SANtricity OS 11.70.4GA and 11.70.4P1 disables Drawer Loss Protection capability on RAID 1/6 Dynamic Disk Pools
- SU529: [Impact: Critical] SSD firmware for TPM5xxxATE/ATD to prevent potential data loss or disruption/unavailability
- SU530: [Impact Critical] NTLM authentication fails due to enforcement of Netlogon RPC sealing (Microsoft CVE-2022-38023)
- SU531: [Impact Critical] Upgrading to ONTAP 9.12.1 might result in Replicated Database (RDB) inconsistency for the Volume Location Database (VLDB)
- SU534: [Impact: Critical] FAS8200 and AFF A300 boot failures
- SU536: [Impact Critical]: System disruption occurs on FAS systems with HDDs due to medium errors or recovered errors when running 9.12.1 versions prior to 9.12.1P4
- SU537: [Impact: Medium] StorageGRID SG6000s may experience higher than normal read latency on flash read cache enabled volumes while running SANtricity OS 11.70.4 and 11.70.5 versions
- SU538: [Impact: High] System disruption from excessive internal mount points after upgrade
- SU539: [Impact Critical] Deswizzler scan might cause system controller disruption when issuing cloud reads to a FabricPool capacity tier.
- SU540: Chelsio T6 NIC errors cause system shutdown when upgrading from 40G to 100G network switches
- SU542: Incorrect cluster interconnect cables bundled with FAS2820 orders
- SU543: [Impact High] Shelf firmware repeatedly upgrades, system displays wrong disk names, or SAS shelf environmental status updates delayed after upgrade to ONTAP 9.12.1P4 or 9.13.1
- SU544: [Impact_ Critical] HUH7210 and HUH7212 HDD firmware to prevent potential data loss or disruption unavailability
- SU545: [Impact_ Critical] HDD firmware (NE02) for ST8000NM018B to prevent data loss or disruption
- SU546: [Impact_ High] ONTAP cannot update X1151A NIC firmware to 1.4.0-E-114 from 1.0_x
- SU553: X91440A NIC in 4x10G breakout mode may fail after FW update in ONTAP 9.13.1
- SU554: [Impact_ Critical] HUH721212AL5204 firmware to prevent data disruption or unavailability
- SU555: BMC firmware 15.11 increases stability
- SU556: Upgrade immediately to the latest build (9.13P1-9828-upgrade.iso/9.13P1-9828.ova) of ONTAP tools for VMware vSphere 9.13P1 from NetApp Support Site
- SU557: [Impact: High] HDD (HAKPE0) firmware for drives with over 7 years of operating life
- SU558: NetApp has released SnapCenter for VMware 5.0P3 that addresses issues in prior versions 5.0, 5.0P1 and 5.0P2